Monday 9 December 2013

Mesti Baca!!! Pengakuan Doktor Mangsa Banjir Kemaman Dan Pantai Timur!!! @NajibRazak

Dari Datuk Dr Lokman Hakim...

Timbalan Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan KKM

"I was at ground 0 in Kuantan and kemaman yesterday. Memang chaotic, simply because air naik terlalu cepat dan juga di kawasan yg tak dijangka di Kemaman. Org dipindahkan terlalu ramai dlm masa singkat dan pusat pemindahan yg muat 1000 org dihuni lebih 3000 org.

Ada kawasan pusat/kampong terputus langsung dan putus bekalan makanan more than 2 days, hingga bila bekalan tiba, jadi macam mob katanya. Tambah lagi bekalan elektrik, air bersih dan komunikasi talipon terputus. Hosp Kemaman without clean water such that we have to close certain wards, OT and ICU and latients transfered to dungun.

Ramai staff hospital and kesihatan juga jadi mangsa and hosp Kemaman turut jadi pusat pemindahan utk staf. Apa yg mengharukan, ada our staf dalam menghadapi rumah mereka dan klinik dinaiki air, they choose to selamatkan harta kerajaan dulu, to me the highest level of public servant integrity manifested by the majority, despite being ridiculed of late by laporan audit.

We had anxious time too when 3 staffs, a young female doctor, MA and Staf nurse, on boat trip to affected areas, when missing, and did not returned to base. The MA in one boat, having engine problem and having to anchor and sleep overnight in the rain on the river bank. The MO and SN in another boat actually capsised when their boat langgar talian letrik yg tengalam (imagine the water level in that kampong).

Mereka diselamatkan oleh life jacket yg mereka pakai bila tersangkut di dahan pokok when they were pulled by the strong current towards the fast flowing river. They hanged on to the tree until another boat came to their rescue and brought them ro an abonden store and slept over night in the wet.

The search and rescue team sent the next morning did not found them, instead they went back in the other boat and walk to the hospital to the relieved of colleague. My tears almost free flow when i met them, they were all ready for the next call of duty willingly!!!

Indeed i am very proud of my unsung heroes out there, not just in this incident and in many other situations before, including during Lahad Datu and Semporna emergency. Lets us all pray to all our front liners."

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.


  1. haha..pelik bin ajaib, talian elektrik terputus dan dikhabarkan memang terputus hubungan dengan dunia luar but somehow this blog manage to update almost in everything. How ya? Wondering...hmmmm...
